Become Board Certified in Clinical Health Psychology

Society for Health Psychology

What is Board Certification?

Board certification is a mechanism through which psychologists can demonstrate their competence in specialized areas of psychology (such as clinical health psychology). Certification by the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) is a voluntary process and the last step in post-doctoral professional credentialing. ABPP certification provides peer and public recognition of demonstrated competence in health psychology.

How Do I Get Board Certified?

ABPP certification is granted to health psychologists who successfully complete two stages of a rigorous peer review process:

  • Verification of education, training, and experience in health psychology.
  • Examination administered by the American Board of Clinical Health Psychology (ABCHP) designed to assess the defining competencies required to practice health psychology.

SfHP encourages all clinical health psychologists to begin the process of board certification. The American Board of Clinical Health Psychology (ABCHP) is offering partial refunds for board certification fees for SfHP members.


Resources for Board Certification

Interested in becoming Board Certified in Clinical Health Psychology?

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The American Academy of Clinical Health Psychology has recorded a one-hour presentation that provides an overview of the process for becoming board certified in Clinical Health Psychology. Please visit their YouTube site for this recording, as well as others, to help you in your preparation process.