SfHP Awards

Nominate a Colleague or Yourself Today
Each year, SfHP presents seven awards in Research, Clinical Practice, Education & Training, Mentoring, and Career Service to recognize outstanding contributions in Health Psychology.
Active member engagement in nominations is crucial. Nominating a respected psychologist can significantly boost their career and enhance the visibility of health psychologists.
Each award is accompanied by a $500 honorarium.
Honor a colleague or yourself by nominating today!
Nomination Guidelines
You may nominate someone for multiple awards, but each nomination requires a separate application.
All submissions require:
- The nominee must be a current member of SfHP. Not sure if the nominee is a current member? Contact us to verify status.
- The nominee must hold a terminal degree.
- A copy of the nominee’s current CV (PDF or Word).
- A letter from the nominator (detailed requirements are in the following sections) (PDF or Word).
- Nominations are due by March 31 annually.
To reduce bias and promote inclusivity, nominators are encouraged to highlight how nominees overcame challenges, served as role models, and/or advanced diversity, equity, and inclusion in health psychology.
Excellence in Health Psychology Research (2 Awards)
These awards recognize psychologists who have made significant contributions to academic literature, underscoring the value of psychological science in health and healthcare.
The awards honor exemplary work, inspire other scientists, and provide role models, supporting the Society for Health Psychology’s mission to promote academic excellence.
Two awards are given: Professional and Early Career Professional.
Professional Award Submission Requirements:
- Terminal degree earned over 10 years ago.
- Nominee’s CV (PDF or Word)
- 1-2 page letter (PDF or Word) describing the nominee’s work and qualifications, considering:
- Sustained record of significant contributions in research and scholarship.
- Commitment to upholding the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion, addressing the needs of underrepresented groups.
- Contributions reflecting a clear programmatic or thematic focus.
- Recognized impact on the field (e.g., publications, citations, awards, honors).
Outstanding mid-career and senior psychologists are eligible.
Early Career Professional Award Submission Requirements:
- Terminal degree earned within the last 10 years.
- Nominee’s CV (PDF or Word).
- Up to 3 key publications (saved separately as PDFs).
- 1-2 page letter (PDF or Word) describing the nominee’s work and why they deserve recognition, considering:
- Strong record of significant original contributions in research and scholarship.
- Commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Contributions reflecting a thematic focus.
- Recognized emerging impact on the field, with relevant indicators appropriate to career stage (e.g., publications, citations, awards).
Excellence in Clinical Health Psychology (2 Awards)
These awards recognize psychologists with outstanding careers in clinical practice. Nominees should demonstrate excellence through clinical work, community programs, policy efforts, or other innovative contributions to health improvement, serving as role models and leaders in their communities.
These awards honor those advancing psychological practice in health and inspiring other clinicians.
Two awards are given: Professional and Early Career Professional.
Professional Award Submission Requirements:
- Terminal degree earned more than 10 years ago.
- Primary career focus is the design, implementation or provision of clinical programs and services.
- Nominee’s CV (PDF or Word).
- 1-2 page letter (PDF or Word) describing the nominee’s work and qualifications, considering:
- Clinical work exemplifies a spirit of innovation.
- Additional time spent in non-clinical professional activities.
- Significant efforts to address unmet community needs and/or improve healthcare provision (e.g. started a program, met a need).
- Commitment to upholding the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion by addressing needs of diverse/under-represented groups, including those defined by gender/sexual identity, physical ability, geographic location, income, education, race, and ethnicity.
- Exemplar of clinical excellence (e.g., attained board certification or eligibility).
Early Career Professional Award Submission Requirements:
- Earned terminal degree less than 10 years ago.
- Primary career focus is the design, implementation or provision of clinical programs and services.
- Nominee’s CV (PDF or Word).
- 1-2 page letter (PDF or Word) describing the nominee’s work and qualifications, considering:
- Clinical work exemplifies a spirit of innovation, seeking to address emerging areas of need with new approaches, or through the evolution of existing approaches.
- Additional time spent in non-clinical professional activities.
- Significant contribution to address unmet community needs and/or improve healthcare provision.
- Commitment to upholding the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion by addressing needs of diverse/under-represented groups, including those defined by gender/sexual identity, physical ability, geographic location, income, education, race, and ethnicity.
Excellence in Health Psychology Mentoring (1 Award)
This award honors psychologists who have significantly influenced the careers of other health psychologists. Nominees, not limited to academic settings, should exemplify excellence in their own careers and provide valuable guidance, support, and mentorship. Special consideration is given to those mentoring underrepresented groups at any stage of career development.
Please note: Self nominations are not accepted for this award.
Submission Requirements:
To nominate for the Excellence in Health Psychology Mentoring award:
- Earned terminal degree more than 10 years ago.
- Nominee’s CV (PDF or Word).
- Up to three detailed letters (saved as separate PDFs) from mentees and colleagues familiar with nominee’s mentoring activities.
- 1-2 page summary letter (PDF or Word) describing the nominee’s work and why that person is worthy of recognition, considering:
- Exemplar of mentoring excellence, as evidenced by outstanding service as a mentor in research and/or clinical Health Psychology training.
- Sustained record of successful mentoring of multiple trainees, including undergraduates, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and/or early career professionals.
- Fostered advancements in Health Psychology via contributions to the professional development of trainees.
- Demonstrated widespread influence on the field of Health Psychology specifically via mentoring activities. Indicators include:
- Subsequent placements and career achievements of mentees.
- Modeled excellence in own research and/or clinical Health Psychology accomplishments.
Cynthia D. Belar Award for Excellence in Health Psychology Education and Training (1 Award)
Established in 2014 in honor of Dr. Cynthia Belar, this award recognizes psychologists whose careers have focused on health psychology education and training. Nominees may have developed curricula, influenced education policy, or served as role models. The award honors innovative and transformative contributions to teaching and training.
Submission Requirements:
- Education-focused role for more than 10 years in teaching, supervision, and/or administration. Combined years do not have to be all in one setting.
- Nominee’s CV (PDF or Word).
- 1-2 page letter (PDF or Word) describing the nominee’s work, considering:
- Significant contributions to the field of Education in Health Psychology/Behavioral Medicine
- Contributions to literature in education, program development, curricular development, creation of learning tools/approaches.
- Provide leadership at the local, state, and/or national level.
- Significant contributions to the Training of learners in Health Psychology/Behavioral Medicine
- Contributions to supervising, training, coaching, inspiring, and developing future providers in training settings.
- Learners can be undergraduate, graduate, interns, postdoctoral fellows, medical residents.
- Learners will demonstrate training effectiveness through their own achievements in Health Psychology.
- Significant contributions to the field of Education in Health Psychology/Behavioral Medicine
Nathan W. Perry, Jr. Award for Career Service to Health Psychology (1 Award)
This award honors individuals who have made significant lifetime contributions to the Society for Health Psychology and/or the field of Health Psychology, nationally or internationally. Established in 1998, it recognizes Dr. Nathan Perry’s leadership within the Society and the American Psychological Association.
Submission Requirements:
- Nominee’s CV (PDF or Word).
- 1-2 page letter (PDF or Word) describing:
- Contributions and achievements related to the Society for Health Psychology and/or the advancement of health psychology as a field throughout their professional career.
- Significant contributions to the Society for Health Psychology through substantial and long-term service to the Society.
- and/or Significant contributions to the advancement of Health Psychology, nationally or internationally, through substantial and long-term service to the field.