
Young Adult Interest Group

Society for Health Psychology

Group Focus

The mission of the Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Interest Group is to provide a structure for Society for Health Psychology Members to have an active role in the advancement of research, practice, policy, social justice and advocacy (e.g., access to care) for AYAs with chronic health conditions, and to raise awareness of the unique developmental needs and challenges that are commonly present in this population.

Primary Goals

The primary goals of the SfHP Adolescent and Young Adult (AYAs) Interest Group are to:

  1. Support training, best practices, and professional development needs of psychologists and allied professionals working with AYAs with chronic health conditions, such as:
    • Psychosocial and physical health issues specific to AYAs.
    • Psychosocial and systemic issues that impact access to care and transition to adult care.
    • Promote development of standards, guidelines, competencies, and processes that strengthen and advance clinical and professional practice of those working with AYAs.
  2. Promote research endeavors that contribute to the growing body of literature in AYA care.
    • Identify research priorities for AYAs with chronic health conditions.
    • Utilize research to address gaps in understanding and/or providing developmentally appropriate clinical care, including considerations of the unique developmental needs for AYAs.
    • Identify and promote the development of new theoretical models, measurement tools, methodological approaches, and interventions specific to AYAs and their unique developmental needs.
  3. Boost networking and collaboration amongst AYA care providers.
    • Encourage research and professional partnerships between pediatric and health psychologists, adult-based health care societies, and professionals of other disciplines interested in AYAs.
  4. Engage in advocacy efforts, including local and national policy initiatives, and address diversity, inclusion, equality, and social justice issues.

Interested in joining the AYA Interest Group?

Connect with health psychologists

Please contact us for more information.



Interest Group Leadership

Zeba Ahmad, PhD

Zeba Ahmad, PhD


Elise McKelvey, PsyD

Elise McKelvey, PsyD

Past Chair of AYA Interest Group

Megan McComas, PhD

Megan McComas, PhD

Advocacy & Equity Chair and Board Emeritus

Rina S. Fox, PhD, MPH

Rina S. Fox, PhD, MPH

Interventions Chair

R. Elyse Heidelberg, PsyD

R. Elyse Heidelberg, PsyD

Pediatric Representative

Jennifer Allen, PhD

Jennifer Allen, PhD

Board Emeritus

Samantha Burns Artherholt, PhD

Samantha Burns Artherholt, PhD

Board Emeritus

Dominique Noelle Legros, MA

Dominique Noelle Legros, MA

Board Emeritus

Karly M. Murphy, PhD

Karly M. Murphy, PhD

Board Emeritus

Laura Oswald, PhD

Laura Oswald, PhD

Board Emeritus

Lila Pereira, PhD

Lila Pereira, PhD

Call for Volunteers

Connect with health psychologists

We are pleased to announce open positions on the IG Board for the upcoming term (2025-2027). Please contact us if you are interested in any of our open positions (see below) before 11/25/2024 for information about applying: 

  • Chair Elect
  • Young Adult Representative
  • Early Career Representative