Graduate Student Research Awards – Apply How to Apply Complete the form below. The deadline to apply is January 31. "*" indicates required fields Name* First Last Email* Affiliation (University)*Phone* Optional Demographic Information We are interested in understanding whether our awards are reaching a representative group of students. To assist with this, we ask some optional questions about demographics. This information is not shared with reviewers and is not used in any way to determine awards.What is your race/ethnicity?AgeSelect age group18 or under19-2425-2930-3435-3940-4445-4950-5455-5960+Disability Status (any physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities)? If yes, please specify.Are you a first generation college student? Yes No Application Information All applicants will be considered for one of the four general awards. In addition, you may choose to be considered for two additional awards: one to promote research into health disparities one to support a researcher from an under represented group You may apply in as many categories as you are eligible.Project Title*Do you also wish to be considered for the Research Addressing Health Disparities Award?* Yes No Please briefly describe how your project aligns.Do you also wish to be considered for the Research Award to Promote Inclusion?* Yes No Please briefly describe how your project aligns. Faculty Sponsor Information The next questions ask for name and contact details for your faculty sponsor. Please note that your sponsor should be from the same university as you.Faculty Sponsor Name* First Last Faculty Sponsor Title*Faculty Sponsor Email* Upload Award Packet Your award packet must be compiled into a single PDF file, named Lastname_Firstname_Year.pdf. Upload*Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 8 MB.