Postdoctoral Awards

Society for Health Psychology

General Information

The SfHP Early Career Professionals Council sponsors postdoctoral awards each year. One award supports postdoctoral research and six awards support postdoctoral clinical efforts. Detailed information on both types of awards is provided below. To review previous award winners and read testimonials, click here.


  1. Applicant is a current member of the Society for Health Psychology (SfHP). Not sure of your membership status? Contact us.
  2. Applicant is currently enrolled in a postdoctoral appointment or has proof of upcoming enrollment into a postdoctoral training program at the time of application submission.

Additional eligibility criteria that are specific to each award type are described below.


Applications must be received by March 31 at 11:59pm EST.


SfHP Postdoctoral Health Psychology Research Award

The research award is designed to support and promote new independent health psychology research by members during their postdoctoral year.

Number of awards: 1
Award amount: $2,500


In addition to the eligibility criteria described above for all ECPC Postdoctoral Awards, applicants for the research award must propose a deliverable. The proposed deliverable must be realistically achievable within two years of receiving the award.

Proposal Requirements

You will be required to submit three documents. Each document should be saved in PDF format and be less than 512 MB in size. Documents must be named as follows:

  1. “SfHP Postdoctoral Award Research_Cover Letter [your last name]”
  2. “SfHP Postdoctoral Award Research_CV or Biosketch [your last name]”
  3. “SfHP Postdoctoral Award Research_Proposal [your last name]”


1. Cover Letter including:

  • Current member status with the SfHP
  • Postdoctoral residency program name and dates of enrollment
  • Clearly explains how research proposal and the resources utilized through the pilot funds will facilitate progress towards applicant’s post-doctoral and career goals
  • The proposed deliverable is realistically achievable within two years of receiving the award
  • Clearly explains what type of health psychology research is being proposed and how the proposed project aligns with SfHP’s mission for health psychology

2. CV or Biosketch

3. Research Proposal


  • 12-point font and 1″ margins throughout
  • Proposal does not exceed 4 single-spaced pages (excluding references but including tables and figures)
  • Reference list is included in application and in-text citations match with those listed


  • Budget Justification:
    • Brief budget and budget justification rationale explaining the costs of the proposed project.
    • SfHP supports the direct costs related to the proposal execution. Organizational indirect/administrative/overhead costs are not allowed.
    • Funds will not be directed toward travel for presentations.
  • Specific Aims page with hypotheses stated
  • Background and Significance
  • Methods and Approach
    • Inclusion and exclusion criteria
    • Study procedures
    • Data analytic plan
    • Study timeline and/or anticipated limitations


SfHP Postdoctoral Health Psychology Award for Clinical Excellence

The clinical award is designed to support and defray the costs related to the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP) clinical licensure exam.

Number of awards: 6
Award amount: $380 each


In addition to the eligibility criteria described above for all ECPC Postdoctoral Awards, applicants for the clinical awards must provide proof of registration or completion of the EPPP exam.

Proposal Requirements

You will be required to submit four documents. Each should be saved in PDF format and be less than 512 MB in size. Documents must be named as follows:

  1. “SfHP Postdoctoral Award Clinical_Cover Letter [your last name]”
  2. “SfHP Postdoctoral Award Clinical_CV [your last name]”
  3. “SfHP Postdoctoral Award Clinical_EPPP [your last name]”
  4. “SfHP Postdoctoral Award Clinical_Essay [your last name]”


1. Cover Letter including:

  • Current member status with the SfHP
  • Postdoctoral residency program name and dates of enrollment
  • EPPP registration date OR EPPP completion date
  • Statement of intent to continue providing clinical health psychology services after obtaining licensure

2. CV

3. Document evidence of EPPP

4. Essay


  • No more than one page single-spaced


  • Detailed explanation of how the applicant has applied specific competency into their past clinical health-psychology practice.
  • Detailed explanation of how this competency will continue to be incorporated into their future clinical health psychology career.


How to Apply

When your documents are ready, complete the application form and upload your documents.

Apply here


Next Steps

Review of Applications

Completed applications will go through peer review by members of the SfHP ECPC and additional invited reviewers as required. All applications are scored by at least two independent reviewers. These scores are used to rank applications.

For the SfHP Postdoctoral Health Psychology Research Award, the top ranked application is awarded.

For the SfHP Postdoctoral Health Psychology Award for Clinical Excellence, the top six ranked applications are awarded.

Disbursement of Funds

Funds will be distributed directly to the award winner, not the institution. Instructions will be provided for the transfer of funds and tax implications.

Post-Award Requirements

The research award winner will be required to submit a video recorded “data blitz” of their completed research study to be shared on the SfHP website.

The clinical award winners are required to submit a testimonial to be shared on the SfHP website.

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