
Society for Health Psychology

About SfHP Listservs

Listservs are rated as among the Society’s most highly-valued benefits. While following APA rules, we intentionally maintain broad parameters for listserv postings. Our guidelines are designed to help to keep the listserv topics relevant and the discussion civil.

To make sure that members continue to find our listservs to be meaningful and informative, the SfHP Executive Committee adopted APA’s Civility Statement, which we have since incorporated into our Social List Policy.

Society for Health Psychology Listservs:

  • Div38 – Division 38 Forum
  • Div38ECP – Early Career Professionals Forum
  • Div38ECD – Ethnic/Cultural Diversity Forum
  • Div38IG-AYA – Adolescent/Young Adult Interest Group Forum
  • Div38IG-CLP – Consultation/Liaison Psychology Interest Group Forum
  • Div38IG-EatDisordersBodyImage – Eating Disorders and Body Image Interest Group
  • Div38IG-LifestyleMedicine – Lifestyle Medicine Interest Group Forum
  • Div38IG-Pain – Pain Psychology Interest Group Forum
  • Div38IG-W – Women & Health Interest Group Forum
  • Div38INT – International Health Forum
  • Div38PrimCare – Integrated Primary Care Interest Group Forum
  • Div38Stu – Student Members Forum

NOTE: Listserv participation is a (FREE) benefit of membership in SfHP.  Interested parties should join SfHP, then request list enrollment.

**Any member wishing to withdraw from a list may do so by using the link provided at the bottom of every message.

By embracing the following standards, we all contribute to a climate of trust and collegiality that encourages friendly, informed, and spontaneous discourse.

Referral Requests

Listmembers are advised that all referral requests should be posted using the following format. This protocol has been approved by the Society’s Presidents and Chair of the Communications Council, in consideration of patient privacy and listmember convenience.

(Listmembers may use the “Referral in:” subject line to delete postings to which they have no reply – without opening.)

Subject Line: Referral in: (city/state)

Body: Seeking licensed clinical psychologist with experience in:

(describe clinical skills required; do not include patient identifiers)

Contact: Back-channel only to: (requesting member, email)

Remember that Ethical Standards (Ethical Standard 4.04(b) notes that in our work, “Psychologists discuss confidential information obtained in their work…only with persons clearly concerned with such matters.” (APA, 2010) Also, Standard 4.06, explicitly addresses consultation, and notes that psychologists “disclose information only to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of the consultation,” (APA, 2010).”)

Appropriate Postings

Members may post questions, seek advice, or debate professional issues on topics related to health psychology. Messages may be program announcements, information of professional interest, etc. Conference or Training announcements for events sponsored by 501(c)3 organizations are welcome.

Professional debates can create strong differences of opinion, which may be expressed in a constructive manner.

We understand that individuals from different cultures and groups may have varying customs and beliefs about what constitutes civil or uncivil behavior. We expect all to be respectful and mindful of these differences and norms. We appreciate openness and diverse viewpoints, including minority ones, on health-related topics. Any eligible participant may post a message, and all will see it.

Inappropriate Postings

Inappropriate behaviors include but are not limited to

  • using language that is perceived as being aggressive, sarcastic, or demeaning; name-calling and other ad hominem comments; overgeneralizing and offering dispositional character criticisms and attributions, use of profanity
  • posting excessively or repeating an established position or request for the same information
  • posting excessively lengthy messages (you may direct interested parties to contact you off-list, or provide a link to another more comprehensive site)
  • postings jobs or fellowships (Please post those to the Career Opportunities Center)
  • failure to adhere to the directives of the list administrator and/or SfHP Communications Council
  • failure to observe all copyright laws (do not copy/attach any full-length article or substantive portion thereof, without obtaining and including the copyright holder’s permission to do so)
  • forwarding of any individual’s postings or emails to you or others without her or his permission constitutes an “unauthorized back-channel communication.” 
  • inviting participation in surveys (results obtained via the use of listserv surveys may not be deemed representative, generalizable, or defensible)
  • posting in any way that would even appear to support or oppose a political candidate for local, state or national public office

Remember, listserv rules are private rules for members participating on a private forum, so there are no First Amendment implications

Have Questions?

If you have any questions or concerns about the listserv policies, please feel free to contact the SfHP Administrative Office.