Many soon-to-be graduates apply for postdoctoral fellowships. This page provides an overview and timeline for postdoctoral fellowship applications in clinical psychology.
Articles & Resources
Finding a Professional Home
Paul Korte, PhD, discusses the benefits of finding a professional home for health psychologists who work in interdisciplinary settings.
Cultivating Mentoring Relationships
Josh Wiley, PhD, discusses how to find a mentor and cultivate a positive mentoring relationship.
Advocating for Psychology in Interdisciplinary Settings
Sabrina Esbitt, PhD, discusses how health psychologists can advocate for the role of psychology in interdisciplinary settings.
Networking Tips for Health Psychologists
Networking tips for clinical health psychologists from Sylvia Malcore, PhD.
Making Connections: How to Thrive when Professionally Isolated in Interdisciplinary Health Systems
Tips from the Society for Health Psychology Early Career Professionals Council on making connections and thriving as a lone psychologist in interdisciplinary health systems.
Clinical Training Resources
List of resources informing the clinical practice of health psychology.
Research Training Resources
Curated list of resources to help clarify the research process in health psychology.
Dos and Don’ts of Networking Online
Tips and tricks for online networking from the APA Psychology Student Network.
Pain-Focused Organizations
List of outside organizations focused on pain management.
Repository of Pain Psychology Literature
Curated list of written resources related to pain psychology.
Pain Psychology Workshops and Webinars
List of web-based pain psychology learning opportunities.