Networking tips for clinical health psychologists from Sylvia Malcore, PhD.
Articles & Resources

Making Connections: How to Thrive when Professionally Isolated in Interdisciplinary Health Systems
Tips from the Society for Health Psychology Early Career Professionals Council on making connections and thriving as a lone psychologist in interdisciplinary health systems.
Welcome Wednesday: SfHP Leadership
This event provides an introduction/orientation to membership benefits in the Society for Health Psychology. The special topic was leadership in SfHP.
Clinical Training Resources
List of resources informing the clinical practice of health psychology.
Research Training Resources
Curated list of resources to help clarify the research process in health psychology.
Dos and Don’ts of Networking Online
Tips and tricks for online networking from the APA Psychology Student Network.
Integrated Primary Care: An Introductory Curriculum
We are pleased to offer an introductory primary care psychology curriculum for use in educating psychology graduate students, pre-doctoral interns, and post-doctoral fellows as well as for self-study by graduate students and practicing psychologists.
Ethics in Integrated Primary Care
This webinar reviews unique ethical dilemmas for integrated primary care (IPC) psychologists and include guidance on how to honor the APA ethics code in this interdisciplinary role.
SfHP Graduate Student Awards – Your Questions Answered!
Dr. KayLoni Olson, a member of the SfHP Health Research Council, explains the application process for graduate student awards. Recent recipients will share the processes they used when developing their funded applications.
Welcome Wednesday: Interest Groups
This event provides an introduction/orientation to membership benefits in the Society for Health Psychology. The special topic was SfHP Interest Groups.
Growing Advocacy and Policy Efforts in Health Psychology: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective
This event provides an introduction/orientation for early career professionals, trainees, and students to the process of advocating for expanded roles for health psychologists within healthcare systems.
Look What I Can Do: How to Advocate for Expanded Roles for Health Psychologists in Healthcare Settings
This event provides an introduction/orientation for early career professionals, trainees, and students to the process of advocating for expanded roles for health psychologists within healthcare systems.