Paul Korte, PhD, discusses the benefits of finding a professional home for health psychologists who work in interdisciplinary settings.
Articles & Resources
Cultivating Mentoring Relationships
Josh Wiley, PhD, discusses how to find a mentor and cultivate a positive mentoring relationship.
Advocating for Psychology in Interdisciplinary Settings
Sabrina Esbitt, PhD, discusses how health psychologists can advocate for the role of psychology in interdisciplinary settings.
Networking Tips for Health Psychologists
Networking tips for clinical health psychologists from Sylvia Malcore, PhD.
Making Connections: How to Thrive when Professionally Isolated in Interdisciplinary Health Systems
Tips from the Society for Health Psychology Early Career Professionals Council on making connections and thriving as a lone psychologist in interdisciplinary health systems.
Integrated Primary Care: An Introductory Curriculum
We are pleased to offer an introductory primary care psychology curriculum for use in educating psychology graduate students, pre-doctoral interns, and post-doctoral fellows as well as for self-study by graduate students and practicing psychologists.
Ethics in Integrated Primary Care
This webinar reviews unique ethical dilemmas for integrated primary care (IPC) psychologists and include guidance on how to honor the APA ethics code in this interdisciplinary role.
Advocating for Women Facing Trauma and Oppression
Dr. Thelma Bryant describes trauma and oppression as it impacts the mental health of women.
Practice Management in Integrated Primary Care
This webinar provides an overview of practice management within integrated primary care (IPC) settings and new practice adaptations arising during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Health Equity and Power: Misogynoir and Black Women’s Health
This event describes the pervasive threat of misogynoir for health equity for Black women.