Terms and definitions related to education and training in health service psychology specialties recognized by the American Psychological Association.
Articles & Resources

Teaching Resources for Health Psychologists
Information for health psychologists who are teaching the subject, including typical course descriptions, course content, course objectives, and example syllabi.
NIH e-Learning Course: Good Clinical Practice for Social and Behavioral Research
All NIH-funded investigators and staff who are involved in clinical trials should be trained in good clinical practice. Find out more about how to access good clinical practice training for social and behavioral scientists.
Competencies in Research for Health Psychologists
Suggested research competencies that are taught in many programs in health psychology.
Resources for Historically Underrepresented Graduate Students
Graduate training in health psychology can present unique challenges for students who are hisorically underrepresented in the field. These resources provide information about graduate training in psychology that is specifically tailored for historically underrepresented students.
Resources for Teaching about Prejudice and Discrimination
Resources for incorporating conversations about prejudice and discrimination when teaching health psychology courses.
Clinical Training Resources
List of resources informing the clinical practice of health psychology.
Research Training Resources
Curated list of resources to help clarify the research process in health psychology.
General Student Resources
List of helpful resources for people who are interested in pursuing training in health psychology.
Integrated Primary Care: An Introductory Curriculum
We are pleased to offer an introductory primary care psychology curriculum for use in educating psychology graduate students, pre-doctoral interns, and post-doctoral fellows as well as for self-study by graduate students and practicing psychologists.
SfHP Graduate Student Awards – Your Questions Answered!
Dr. KayLoni Olson, a member of the SfHP Health Research Council, explains the application process for graduate student awards. Recent recipients will share the processes they used when developing their funded applications.
Advocating for Women Facing Trauma and Oppression
Dr. Thelma Bryant describes trauma and oppression as it impacts the mental health of women.