Welcome back to The Health Psychologist e-zine! With each new season comes fresh opportunities for growth, exploration, and advancing knowledge in health psychology. This issue is packed with valuable insights and timely information across our field.
The Health Psychologist

The Electronic Magazine (E-Zine) of SfHP
This publication focuses on the dissemination of health psychology related information that is intriguing, pertinent, educational, and practical. The goal is to showcase relevant information in the field of health psychology and highlight works in clinical practice, program development, research, advocacy for the practice of health psychology and equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives. It is also a place where SfHP members can communicate and highlight their passion for the field of Health Psychology.
What’s Inside: From the Editor’s Desk
Welcome to the Pre-Convention 2024 issue of the e-zine, sharing some especially crafted articles to educate and inform about topics within health psychology. Whether you’re reading these by the pool in this blazing heat or sitting behind a desk, these articles are sure to give some helpful knowledge about a variety of health related issues.
What’s Inside: From the Editor’s Desk
We’re back with another Spring issue, the first of 2024! What an exciting time for our Division as we launch a new website and a new issue of The Health Psychologist ezine. Learn more about what’s in the Spring 2024 issue!
What’s Inside
It’s that time again. Get ready for another issue of the e-zine jammed pack with so many thoughtful and exciting pieces!
A Tribute to Neil Schneiderman, Ph.D. from the University of Miami Health Psychology Faculty and Graduate Students
The University of Miami Health Psychology Faculty and Graduate Students provided a beautiful tribute to Dr. Neil Schneiderman, describing his alcaldes.
Unlocking the Potential of Secondary Data Analysis from Existing Databases: A Relevant Approach for Health Psychology Research
In this article, Dr. Jessica Emick and colleagues share some of the benefits they have experienced in working on secondary data analysis projects, as well as some personal reflections from both faculty and graduate students.
Addressing the Truth About the Crisis of Youth: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health
Dr. Alice Schluger evaluates the impact of COVID-19 on the adolescent population and the crisis that is being faced for these young people.
Informing Our Future by Honoring Our Past
Dr. Barbara Ward-Zimmerman reflects on the long history of our Division and the upcoming historical mark of 50 years! Dr. Ward-Zimmerman describes how our past will be used to inform our future in growing this Division.
Water Your Roots
Dr. Meg Crotty illustrates the journey from graduate school to become an early career psychologist and the relationships made along the way.
Caring for Survivors of COVID-19 and Healthcare Providers During the Pandemic
Dr. Dina Goldstein Silverman provides multiple case examples of how to care for survivors of COVID-19 as their mental health has been affected by the virus.
Wounds That Time Does Not Heal: The Long-Term Health Impact of Trauma
Drs. Amber Deneen Gray and Tabitha Chapman call attention to how trauma impacts health and psychophysiology, diversity as a factor in traumatic experiences, and intervention as well as prevention for trauma.
What’s Inside
Feeling that summer breeze yet? I hope you’re reading this summer edition of the Health Psychologist e-zine by a pool with a cold glass of lemonade in hand.