Our incoming president, Dr. Stephanie Fitzpatrick, introduces her vision for promoting health psychology through inclusive engagement, outlining her initiatives and goals for the upcoming term.
The Health Psychologist

The Electronic Magazine (E-Zine) of SfHP
This publication focuses on the dissemination of health psychology related information that is intriguing, pertinent, educational, and practical. The goal is to showcase relevant information in the field of health psychology and highlight works in clinical practice, program development, research, advocacy for the practice of health psychology and equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives. It is also a place where SfHP members can communicate and highlight their passion for the field of Health Psychology.
Pro Tips for Building a Specialty Care Integrated Practice: APA Integrated Specialty Care (ISC) Awareness Committee
In our Interdisciplinary Corner, Dr. Ashton and colleagues offer practical tips for building an integrated specialty care practice.
Reflecting on a Year of Progress: Connections, Learning, Engagement, and Growth
Dr. Vogel expands upon his previous article in the president’s column, highlighting how our Division has demonstrated the themes of connections, learning, engagement, and growth in this ongoing year.
Careers in Health Psychology Spotlight: Dr. Patricia Moreno
From one of our leaders within the Division, John Richmond Sy, the Diversity Chair of the Student Advisory Council, he provides a thoughtful interview with Dr. Patricia “Patty” Moreno. She describes her work in psycho-oncology with the Hispanic/Latine population and other diverse identities and cultures and how aspiring psychologists can aim to develop their own careers.
Bridging Gaps Between Health Psychology and Lifestyle Medicine
Delilah Harounian describes the opportunity for utilizing the six pillars of lifestyle medicine as health psychologists to treat individuals with chronic health conditions through a holistic approach.
Strengthening Connections, Fostering Learning, Engaging, and Cultivating Growth
Our president, Dr. Mark Vogel, demonstrates how these four pillars are modeled within our Division: connection, learning, engagement, and growth. He encourages the continuation of these pillars in order to inspire and mold the future of our Division for our community as whole.
Spotlight Interview with Dr. Stephanie Brezinski, a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Psychosocial Oncology
Nicholas Powers, the Communications Chair of the Student Advisory Council, interviewed Dr. Stephanie Brezinski. She is a postdoctoral fellow in psychosocial Oncology who shares her experience as not only a postdoctoral fellow but also in a unique subspecialty of health psychology.
Disorders of the Gut-Brain Interaction: A Cross-Cultural Concern that CAN be Treated!
Drs. Ellen Joseph and Tiffany Duffing discuss the gut-brain interaction and the disorders that occur as a result. They described the significant impact of discrimination within marginalized communities experiencing these disorders of the gut-brain interaction while advocating for the need for changing the patient’s experience in order to better treat and provide relief for these individuals.
Great Expectations – What the Year Holds for All
Dr. Mark Vogel describes all of the great initiatives to look forward to in the upcoming year, which includes focusing on the well-being of health psychologists.
Careers in Health Psych Spotlight: An Interview with Dr. Katherine Meyers, an Integrated Primary Care Psychologist
The former Communications Chair of the Student Advisory Council, Jesse Kruse, interviewed accomplished psychologist, Dr. Jesse Dietch, who provided insights into her experience as a growing professional and gave advice on how to navigate finding one’s own way into becoming an integrated primary care psychologist.
“Drop and give me a thought log!”: The Role of a Military Health Psychologist
Dr. Kim explains working as a military health psychologist and the impact of mental health within this population.
Opportunities and Challenges of Pediatric Integrated Primary Care
Nicole showcases the need for integration in pediatric primary care and the models designed to implement this approach to serving children and adolescents.