Alaina L. Carr, PhD Research Instructor Danyel Smith, PhD T32 Postdoctoral Fellow Elham Mohebbi, DVM, MPH, PhD Postdoctoral Research...
The Health Psychologist

The Electronic Magazine (E-Zine) of SfHP
This publication focuses on the dissemination of health psychology related information that is intriguing, pertinent, educational, and practical. The goal is to showcase relevant information in the field of health psychology and highlight works in clinical practice, program development, research, advocacy for the practice of health psychology and equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives. It is also a place where SfHP members can communicate and highlight their passion for the field of Health Psychology.
The Opioid Crisis and Health Psychology Research
Dr. Eyer addresses the opioid crisis in the United States and the critical role of health psychology in combating this epidemic. He delves into pain management, opioid use disorder treatment, and the broader societal impact.
Careers in Health Psychology Spotlight: Dr. Patricia Moreno
From one of our leaders within the Division, John Richmond Sy, the Diversity Chair of the Student Advisory Council, he provides a thoughtful interview with Dr. Patricia “Patty” Moreno. She describes her work in psycho-oncology with the Hispanic/Latine population and other diverse identities and cultures and how aspiring psychologists can aim to develop their own careers.
Adverse Events in Behavioral Health Interventions: A Call for Consensus
Toby Dresdner discusses the possibility of behavioral health interventions providing adverse experiences for individuals and the need for clear guidelines in evaluating these types of interventions.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Research: Overview and Recommendation for a Culturally Humble Approach
Dr. Chandra Char provides an overview of an equitable approach that engages communities is essential in every step of the research process, from data collection to results dissemination using a community-focused design.
Spotlight Interview with Dr. Stephanie Brezinski, a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Psychosocial Oncology
Nicholas Powers, the Communications Chair of the Student Advisory Council, interviewed Dr. Stephanie Brezinski. She is a postdoctoral fellow in psychosocial Oncology who shares her experience as not only a postdoctoral fellow but also in a unique subspecialty of health psychology.
Health Research Council Promotes EDI-Related Research
Dr. Joshua Eyer described how our Division has utilized targeted strategies to implement and amplify research related to DEI from webinars and programming to awards.
Gender-Affirming Treatment within Pediatric Medical Settings: Obstructing the Pathway to Chronic Stress
The incoming Communications Chair of the Student Advisory Council, Nick Powers, describes the chronic stress that occurs in pediatric patients who are gender nonconforming and how this can be managed through differing treatments and interactions within the medical setting.
Graduation Session
Dr. Grace Kao shares about a graduation session with a patient with the impact not only being for the patient but also the provider.
Public Health Perspectives for Psychologists in Clinical Settings: A Reflection
Madeline Foster provides a reflection on working in a clinical setting with a public health perspective.
Great Expectations – What the Year Holds for All
Dr. Mark Vogel describes all of the great initiatives to look forward to in the upcoming year, which includes focusing on the well-being of health psychologists.
Using Self-Compassion to Facilitate Sustainable Health Behavior Change in Cancer Survivorship
Dr. Beth Kace also describes lifestyle changes in cancer survivorship with the addition of using self-compassion in sustaining behavior change over time.