Dr. Alexandra Ross shares her experience working with pediatric headaches and her journey to discovering her niche specialty.
The Health Psychologist
The Electronic Magazine (E-Zine) of SfHP
This publication focuses on the dissemination of health psychology related information that is intriguing, pertinent, educational, and practical. The goal is to showcase relevant information in the field of health psychology and highlight works in clinical practice, program development, research, advocacy for the practice of health psychology and equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives. It is also a place where SfHP members can communicate and highlight their passion for the field of Health Psychology.
Getting a Jump-Start on the Next Big Thing in Healthcare…AND…the Big Thing After That
Dr. Ward-Zimmerman describes the power of collaborations and communication within and outside of our organization for the betterment of health psychology and health outcomes.
Early career lessons in navigating pediatric chronic pain care during the COVID-19 pandemic
Dr. Grace Kao discusses the difficulties and feats of navigating her role in a leadership position as an early career psychologist midst a pandemic.
Implicit Organizational Bias
Dr. Miraj Desai discusses his research on institutional bias and racism that has informed his recent advisory roles with national organizations including the American Hospital Association, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the American Psychological Association.