We’re back with another Spring issue, the first of 2024! What an exciting time for our Division as we launch a new website and a new issue of The Health Psychologist ezine. Learn more about what’s in the Spring 2024 issue!
The Health Psychologist

The Electronic Magazine (E-Zine) of SfHP
This publication focuses on the dissemination of health psychology related information that is intriguing, pertinent, educational, and practical. The goal is to showcase relevant information in the field of health psychology and highlight works in clinical practice, program development, research, advocacy for the practice of health psychology and equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives. It is also a place where SfHP members can communicate and highlight their passion for the field of Health Psychology.
Strengthening Connections, Fostering Learning, Engaging, and Cultivating Growth
Our president, Dr. Mark Vogel, demonstrates how these four pillars are modeled within our Division: connection, learning, engagement, and growth. He encourages the continuation of these pillars in order to inspire and mold the future of our Division for our community as whole.
Spotlight Interview with Dr. Stephanie Brezinski, a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Psychosocial Oncology
Nicholas Powers, the Communications Chair of the Student Advisory Council, interviewed Dr. Stephanie Brezinski. She is a postdoctoral fellow in psychosocial Oncology who shares her experience as not only a postdoctoral fellow but also in a unique subspecialty of health psychology.
The Role of Health Psychologists in Treating Chronic Pain and Comorbid Depression
Madeline Foster provides an overview of the intersectionality between chronic pain and depression as well as the role of a health psychologist in the treatment of this comorbidity.
Gender-Affirming Treatment within Pediatric Medical Settings: Obstructing the Pathway to Chronic Stress
The incoming Communications Chair of the Student Advisory Council, Nick Powers, describes the chronic stress that occurs in pediatric patients who are gender nonconforming and how this can be managed through differing treatments and interactions within the medical setting.
Great Expectations – What the Year Holds for All
Dr. Mark Vogel describes all of the great initiatives to look forward to in the upcoming year, which includes focusing on the well-being of health psychologists.
Using Self-Compassion to Facilitate Sustainable Health Behavior Change in Cancer Survivorship
Dr. Beth Kace also describes lifestyle changes in cancer survivorship with the addition of using self-compassion in sustaining behavior change over time.
Careers in Health Psych Spotlight: An Interview with Dr. Katherine Meyers, an Integrated Primary Care Psychologist
The former Communications Chair of the Student Advisory Council, Jesse Kruse, interviewed accomplished psychologist, Dr. Jesse Dietch, who provided insights into her experience as a growing professional and gave advice on how to navigate finding one’s own way into becoming an integrated primary care psychologist.
What’s Inside
It’s that time again. Get ready for another issue of the e-zine jammed pack with so many thoughtful and exciting pieces!
Informing Our Future by Honoring Our Past
Dr. Barbara Ward-Zimmerman reflects on the long history of our Division and the upcoming historical mark of 50 years! Dr. Ward-Zimmerman describes how our past will be used to inform our future in growing this Division.
Wounds That Time Does Not Heal: The Long-Term Health Impact of Trauma
Drs. Amber Deneen Gray and Tabitha Chapman call attention to how trauma impacts health and psychophysiology, diversity as a factor in traumatic experiences, and intervention as well as prevention for trauma.
What’s Inside
Feeling that summer breeze yet? I hope you’re reading this summer edition of the Health Psychologist e-zine by a pool with a cold glass of lemonade in hand.