Welcome back to The Health Psychologist e-zine! With each new season comes fresh opportunities for growth, exploration, and advancing knowledge in health psychology. This issue is packed with valuable insights and timely information across our field.
The Health Psychologist

The Electronic Magazine (E-Zine) of SfHP
This publication focuses on the dissemination of health psychology related information that is intriguing, pertinent, educational, and practical. The goal is to showcase relevant information in the field of health psychology and highlight works in clinical practice, program development, research, advocacy for the practice of health psychology and equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives. It is also a place where SfHP members can communicate and highlight their passion for the field of Health Psychology.
Living with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome: An Interview with an AYA
From the Society for Health Psychology, the Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Interest Group shares the perspective of a young woman navigating life with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Dominique Legros and Dr. McKelvey illuminate her journey to diagnosis and provide essential information on living with this condition.
Careers in Health Psychology Spotlight: Dr. Patricia Moreno
From one of our leaders within the Division, John Richmond Sy, the Diversity Chair of the Student Advisory Council, he provides a thoughtful interview with Dr. Patricia “Patty” Moreno. She describes her work in psycho-oncology with the Hispanic/Latine population and other diverse identities and cultures and how aspiring psychologists can aim to develop their own careers.
What’s Inside: From the Editor’s Desk
Welcome to the Pre-Convention 2024 issue of the e-zine, sharing some especially crafted articles to educate and inform about topics within health psychology. Whether you’re reading these by the pool in this blazing heat or sitting behind a desk, these articles are sure to give some helpful knowledge about a variety of health related issues.
What’s Inside: From the Editor’s Desk
We’re back with another Spring issue, the first of 2024! What an exciting time for our Division as we launch a new website and a new issue of The Health Psychologist ezine. Learn more about what’s in the Spring 2024 issue!
Spotlight Interview with Dr. Stephanie Brezinski, a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Psychosocial Oncology
Nicholas Powers, the Communications Chair of the Student Advisory Council, interviewed Dr. Stephanie Brezinski. She is a postdoctoral fellow in psychosocial Oncology who shares her experience as not only a postdoctoral fellow but also in a unique subspecialty of health psychology.
Careers in Health Psych Spotlight: An Interview with Dr. Katherine Meyers, an Integrated Primary Care Psychologist
The former Communications Chair of the Student Advisory Council, Jesse Kruse, interviewed accomplished psychologist, Dr. Jesse Dietch, who provided insights into her experience as a growing professional and gave advice on how to navigate finding one’s own way into becoming an integrated primary care psychologist.
What’s Inside
It’s that time again. Get ready for another issue of the e-zine jammed pack with so many thoughtful and exciting pieces!
A Tribute to Neil Schneiderman, Ph.D. from the University of Miami Health Psychology Faculty and Graduate Students
The University of Miami Health Psychology Faculty and Graduate Students provided a beautiful tribute to Dr. Neil Schneiderman, describing his alcaldes.
What’s Inside
Feeling that summer breeze yet? I hope you’re reading this summer edition of the Health Psychologist e-zine by a pool with a cold glass of lemonade in hand.
What Mental Health Providers Need to Know About Treating Patients Living With HIV
Dr. Erin Miers details information that is helpful in working with patients living with HIV. She explains the stigma associated with this infection and the advancements that have been made for those living with HIV.
Careers in Health Psych Spotlight: An Interview with Dr. John Ruiz, Editor of the Health Psychologist
Dr. John Ruiz provided insights into his experience as a growing professional and gave advice on how to navigate finding one’s own way into becoming an accomplished psychologist.