Madeline Foster provides a reflection on working in a clinical setting with a public health perspective.
The Health Psychologist

The Electronic Magazine (E-Zine) of SfHP
This publication focuses on the dissemination of health psychology related information that is intriguing, pertinent, educational, and practical. The goal is to showcase relevant information in the field of health psychology and highlight works in clinical practice, program development, research, advocacy for the practice of health psychology and equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives. It is also a place where SfHP members can communicate and highlight their passion for the field of Health Psychology.
Using Self-Compassion to Facilitate Sustainable Health Behavior Change in Cancer Survivorship
Dr. Beth Kace also describes lifestyle changes in cancer survivorship with the addition of using self-compassion in sustaining behavior change over time.
Careers in Health Psych Spotlight: An Interview with Dr. Katherine Meyers, an Integrated Primary Care Psychologist
The former Communications Chair of the Student Advisory Council, Jesse Kruse, interviewed accomplished psychologist, Dr. Jesse Dietch, who provided insights into her experience as a growing professional and gave advice on how to navigate finding one’s own way into becoming an integrated primary care psychologist.
“Drop and give me a thought log!”: The Role of a Military Health Psychologist
Dr. Kim explains working as a military health psychologist and the impact of mental health within this population.
Opportunities and Challenges of Pediatric Integrated Primary Care
Nicole showcases the need for integration in pediatric primary care and the models designed to implement this approach to serving children and adolescents.
Caring for Survivors of COVID-19 and Healthcare Providers During the Pandemic
Dr. Dina Goldstein Silverman provides multiple case examples of how to care for survivors of COVID-19 as their mental health has been affected by the virus.
Wounds That Time Does Not Heal: The Long-Term Health Impact of Trauma
Drs. Amber Deneen Gray and Tabitha Chapman call attention to how trauma impacts health and psychophysiology, diversity as a factor in traumatic experiences, and intervention as well as prevention for trauma.
Careers in Health Psych Spotlight: An Interview with Dr. John Ruiz, Editor of the Health Psychologist
Dr. John Ruiz provided insights into his experience as a growing professional and gave advice on how to navigate finding one’s own way into becoming an accomplished psychologist.
The GRACE Model: A Practical Framework for Implementing Positive Psychology Interventions in Medical Settings
In the article written by George Scott and colleagues, they describe the GRACE Model and how this transdiagnostic framework uses positive psychology techniques in assisting patients in a medical setting.
On Sleep Health and Research: An Interview with Jessee Dietch, PhD, DBSM
How many times does a patient come to your office on the weekly basis reporting difficulties with sleep, especially this past year? Research is suggesting that the prevalence of insomnia has increased this past year due to the pandemic. Thankfully our very own sleep expert Dr. Jessee Dietch provides timely resources on assessment, treatment, and consultation for sleep disorders.
Psychological Treatments for Headache Disorders
Dr. Danielle Miro describes the differing types of headaches disorders, their prevalence, and evidence based treatments for patients with this chronic condition.
Careers in Health Psych: An Interview with Dr. Alexandra Ross, a Pediatric Headache Psychologist
Dr. Alexandra Ross shares her experience working with pediatric headaches and her journey to discovering her niche specialty.