Alaina L. Carr, PhD Research Instructor Danyel Smith, PhD T32 Postdoctoral Fellow Elham Mohebbi, DVM, MPH, PhD Postdoctoral Research...
The Health Psychologist

The Electronic Magazine (E-Zine) of SfHP
This publication focuses on the dissemination of health psychology related information that is intriguing, pertinent, educational, and practical. The goal is to showcase relevant information in the field of health psychology and highlight works in clinical practice, program development, research, advocacy for the practice of health psychology and equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives. It is also a place where SfHP members can communicate and highlight their passion for the field of Health Psychology.
Onward and Upward: Highlights of the 2024-2025 Presidential Goals and Initiatives
Our incoming president, Dr. Stephanie Fitzpatrick, introduces her vision for promoting health psychology through inclusive engagement, outlining her initiatives and goals for the upcoming term.
Living with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome: An Interview with an AYA
From the Society for Health Psychology, the Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Interest Group shares the perspective of a young woman navigating life with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Dominique Legros and Dr. McKelvey illuminate her journey to diagnosis and provide essential information on living with this condition.
Reflecting on a Year of Progress: Connections, Learning, Engagement, and Growth
Dr. Vogel expands upon his previous article in the president’s column, highlighting how our Division has demonstrated the themes of connections, learning, engagement, and growth in this ongoing year.
Strengthening Connections, Fostering Learning, Engaging, and Cultivating Growth
Our president, Dr. Mark Vogel, demonstrates how these four pillars are modeled within our Division: connection, learning, engagement, and growth. He encourages the continuation of these pillars in order to inspire and mold the future of our Division for our community as whole.
Great Expectations – What the Year Holds for All
Dr. Mark Vogel describes all of the great initiatives to look forward to in the upcoming year, which includes focusing on the well-being of health psychologists.
Patient-Provider Interactions Lacking in Empathy Can Contribute to Ableism in Health Care and Have Negative Impacts on Patients with Disabilities
Dr. Chandra Char conveys the importance of empathy in serving patients with disabilities and preventing an ableistic approach as well as the negative impact of this interaction between providers and patients.
Addressing the Truth About the Crisis of Youth: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health
Dr. Alice Schluger evaluates the impact of COVID-19 on the adolescent population and the crisis that is being faced for these young people.
Informing Our Future by Honoring Our Past
Dr. Barbara Ward-Zimmerman reflects on the long history of our Division and the upcoming historical mark of 50 years! Dr. Ward-Zimmerman describes how our past will be used to inform our future in growing this Division.
Water Your Roots
Dr. Meg Crotty illustrates the journey from graduate school to become an early career psychologist and the relationships made along the way.
The Push for Physician Empathy in Healthcare
Danielle Miller describes the need for a shift toward increasing empathy in the patient physician relationship in order to improve not only patient outcomes but also physician outcomes.
What Mental Health Providers Need to Know About Treating Patients Living With HIV
Dr. Erin Miers details information that is helpful in working with patients living with HIV. She explains the stigma associated with this infection and the advancements that have been made for those living with HIV.