Mark E. Vogel, Ph.D., ABPP
Board Certified in Health Psychology
Professor, Michigan State University, College of Human Medicine
As we move into Spring, a time of renewal, I am grateful for the opportunity to serve as SfHP President and help guide our professional society on a journey of connection, learning, engagement, and growth. These four pillars are not just words; they represent the essence of who we are and what we strive to achieve as a community.
Connect: At the heart of our Society lies the power of connection. Our Society spans from students to late-career professionals, yet we are bound together by a shared passion for Health Psychology. In a time of increasing busyness, fostering meaningful connections has never been more critical. Connections can ease some of the stressfulness we experience in our work. When we connect with others, we can learn from them and this can give greater meaning and purpose to our work. One of my presidential initiatives is to enhance how our Society fosters and builds these relationships. One exciting activity that will be taking place this spring and early summer is a series of “Peer-to-Peer Forum for Wellness Discussions.” The goal of these open forums is to facilitate small group discussions regarding common work-related stressors and joys. What are your pressure points? What are the pebbles in your shoe? What are the wonderful pearls of your work experience? The goal is to connect and learn from each other in managing difficult issues so as to find greater meaning and engagement in our work – and hopefully reduce distress. These are single-session meetings with discussions about how these efforts might be expanded in the future. This first session is limited to Early Career professionals. Subsequent sessions will be oriented on Mid-Career and Late-Career professionals. These events will not be being recorded to encourage open and honest discussions. Many thanks to the Wellbeing Task Force for their work in organizing these events. We look forward to connecting with you.
Learn: Learning is central to our profession. It fuels our curiosity, drives innovation, and propels us forward on our search for knowledge. In a rapidly evolving landscape, the pursuit of learning is not just a necessity; it’s a mindset—a commitment to continuous improvement and personal growth. The Society provides a wealth of learning opportunities for our members. We have an outstanding line-up of webinars this spring from the Early Career Professionals Council, Health Research Council, and Social Media Committee. These events are all free to members and feature some remarkable speakers. Thanks to these Councils and Committee (lead by Drs. Anna-Leigh Robison, Joshua Eyer, Ivy Charlotte Snyder) and Dr. Danielle Miro, the Virtual Programming Editor who coordinates this work.
Engage: Engagement is the catalyst for transformation. It’s the active involvement of members that propels our Society forward, sparking creativity, and fostering collaboration. I am very impressed with the number of dedicated professionals who stepped forth to do the work of this Society. We are fortunate to have strong leadership in our Councils, Committees, and Interest Groups and all the members who participate in these endeavors. We have a strong and capable management team that moves it all forward. But, possibly, we are missing you. Maybe you have thought about how you might be more active in the Society but did not know how? I recall, when I was early-on in my career, asking the SfHP President how I could help out. I was a bit intimidated, but he, and others, helped me see where I could be more engaged in the work of the Society. I hope you will find the opportunity to engage in the life of our Society – by participating in discussions, sharing your expertise, and volunteering time and talents to support our shared goals. Through collective engagement, we can amplify our impact and create lasting change. You can reach out to me personally at if you have questions and want to know more.
Grow: Personal and professional growth is the natural outcome of connection, engagement, and learning. It’s the realization of our potential (both individually and collectively), the culmination of our efforts, and the foundation upon which we build a strong Society. Let us cultivate an environment that nurtures growth – a culture that values diversity and seeks to include multiple perspectives, provides mentorship, supports each other, and strives for empowerment where every member has the opportunity to thrive and succeed. I hope you will see the Society as the force that helps move your career forward and enables Health Psychology to grow as a specialty.
In the year ahead, let us recommit ourselves to these core principles—connecting with one another, embracing opportunities to learn, engaging fully in the life of our Society, and fostering a community that inspires excellence and drives positive change. Together, we have the power to shape the future of our Health Psychology.
Get ready for APA 2024 in Seattle! We have an exciting line up of Symposia, Skill-Building Sessions, Posters, and meetings. I hope everyone will consider attending and being an active part for what is shaping up to be an exciting conference this August. There is nothing like coming together in person and sharing our knowledge, inspiration, and energy. I look forward to seeing you there.