All NIH-funded investigators and staff who are involved in clinical trials should be trained in good clinical practice. Find out more about how to access good clinical practice training for social and behavioral scientists.
Articles & Resources

Competencies in Research for Health Psychologists
Suggested research competencies that are taught in many programs in health psychology.
Finding a Professional Home
Paul Korte, PhD, discusses the benefits of finding a professional home for health psychologists who work in interdisciplinary settings.
Cultivating Mentoring Relationships
Josh Wiley, PhD, discusses how to find a mentor and cultivate a positive mentoring relationship.
Advocating for Psychology in Interdisciplinary Settings
Sabrina Esbitt, PhD, discusses how health psychologists can advocate for the role of psychology in interdisciplinary settings.
Networking Tips for Health Psychologists
Networking tips for clinical health psychologists from Sylvia Malcore, PhD.
Making Connections: How to Thrive when Professionally Isolated in Interdisciplinary Health Systems
Tips from the Society for Health Psychology Early Career Professionals Council on making connections and thriving as a lone psychologist in interdisciplinary health systems.
DEI Principles and Practice in Psychology Undergraduate and Graduate Education
This webinar reviews research demonstrating the centrality of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) topics within Health Psychology curricula; provides sample assignments and activities to weave DEI into Health Psychology syllabi; and discusses strategies for navigating difficult topics with students representing a range of backgrounds and experiences.
Resources for Historically Underrepresented Graduate Students
Graduate training in health psychology can present unique challenges for students who are hisorically underrepresented in the field. These resources provide information about graduate training in psychology that is specifically tailored for historically underrepresented students.
Welcome Wednesday: SfHP Leadership
This event provides an introduction/orientation to membership benefits in the Society for Health Psychology. The special topic was leadership in SfHP.
Resources for Teaching about Prejudice and Discrimination
Resources for incorporating conversations about prejudice and discrimination when teaching health psychology courses.
Ethics in Integrated Primary Care
This webinar reviews unique ethical dilemmas for integrated primary care (IPC) psychologists and include guidance on how to honor the APA ethics code in this interdisciplinary role.