This webinar will explore the importance of an intersectional approach and the limitations of contemporary approaches to achieve gender and racial equity in health.
Articles & Resources

Graduate Student Research Awards Q&A with Past Winners
Each year the Society for Health Psychology Health Research Council sponsors several graduate student research awards covering up to $2,000 in direct research costs.
Health Research Council Update: Provider Flourishing
Participants learned how to help identify opportunities for flourishing in their work, the components, and facilitators of flourishing, how it is distinct from burnout, and the individual and organizational factors needed to implement collective change within their professional environments.
Psychologists as Educators for the Primary Care Workforce
This webinar series will focus on important elements of primary care and how this impacts how an IPC psychologist identifies and how they view their role within the treatment team.
Novel Psychological Treatments for Chronic Pain
Dr. Lumley examines the limitations of these approaches and presents new concepts and treatments that hold promise for larger effects, including Pain Reprocessing Therapy and Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy.
“Must Knows” for Psychologists Working on Integrated Primary Care Teams
"Must Knows" for Psychologists working on IPC Teams slides
Population Health
The culture and demands of primary care are unique. Psychologists making the transition to integrated primary care (IPC) must be able to...
DEI Principles and Practice in Psychology Undergraduate and Graduate Education
This webinar reviews research demonstrating the centrality of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) topics within Health Psychology curricula; provides sample assignments and activities to weave DEI into Health Psychology syllabi; and discusses strategies for navigating difficult topics with students representing a range of backgrounds and experiences.
Ethics in Integrated Primary Care
This webinar reviews unique ethical dilemmas for integrated primary care (IPC) psychologists and include guidance on how to honor the APA ethics code in this interdisciplinary role.
SfHP Graduate Student Awards – Your Questions Answered!
Dr. KayLoni Olson, a member of the SfHP Health Research Council, explains the application process for graduate student awards. Recent recipients will share the processes they used when developing their funded applications.
Health Research on Cannabis
This webinar provides an introductory overview to cannabis research being conducted in the US.
Practice Management in Integrated Primary Care
This webinar provides an overview of practice management within integrated primary care (IPC) settings and new practice adaptations arising during the COVID-19 pandemic.