The Health Psychologist

Society for Health Psychology

The Electronic Magazine (E-Zine) of SfHP

This publication focuses on the dissemination of health psychology related information that is intriguing, pertinent, educational, and practical. The goal is to showcase relevant information in the field of health psychology and highlight works in clinical practice, program development, research, advocacy for the practice of health psychology and equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives. It is also a place where SfHP members can communicate and highlight their passion for the field of Health Psychology.

On Sleep Health and Research: An Interview with Jessee Dietch, PhD, DBSM

On Sleep Health and Research: An Interview with Jessee Dietch, PhD, DBSM

How many times does a patient come to your office on the weekly basis reporting difficulties with sleep, especially this past year? Research is suggesting that the prevalence of insomnia has increased this past year due to the pandemic. Thankfully our very own sleep expert Dr. Jessee Dietch provides timely resources on assessment, treatment, and consultation for sleep disorders.

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Kourtney Schroeder, PsyD, Editor in Chief

Meet the Editor in Chief

Kourtney Schroeder, Psy.D., is the Editor in Chief for the Health Psychologist E-zine (2022-2025). She received her doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from Nova Southeastern University. Dr. Schroeder graduated from the University of Florida with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a minor in Women’s Studies. She completed her pre-doctoral internship at Community Healthlink Youth and Family Services. Dr. Schroeder is currently a licensed Clinical Psychologist at Ascension St. Vincent’s Family Medicine Center Residency Program.