It’s that time again. Get ready for another issue of the e-zine jammed pack with so many thoughtful and exciting pieces!
The Health Psychologist

The Electronic Magazine (E-Zine) of SfHP
This publication focuses on the dissemination of health psychology related information that is intriguing, pertinent, educational, and practical. The goal is to showcase relevant information in the field of health psychology and highlight works in clinical practice, program development, research, advocacy for the practice of health psychology and equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives. It is also a place where SfHP members can communicate and highlight their passion for the field of Health Psychology.
“Drop and give me a thought log!”: The Role of a Military Health Psychologist
Dr. Kim explains working as a military health psychologist and the impact of mental health within this population.
Opportunities and Challenges of Pediatric Integrated Primary Care
Nicole showcases the need for integration in pediatric primary care and the models designed to implement this approach to serving children and adolescents.
Water Your Roots
Dr. Meg Crotty illustrates the journey from graduate school to become an early career psychologist and the relationships made along the way.
Caring for Survivors of COVID-19 and Healthcare Providers During the Pandemic
Dr. Dina Goldstein Silverman provides multiple case examples of how to care for survivors of COVID-19 as their mental health has been affected by the virus.
What’s Inside
Feeling that summer breeze yet? I hope you’re reading this summer edition of the Health Psychologist e-zine by a pool with a cold glass of lemonade in hand.
What Mental Health Providers Need to Know About Treating Patients Living With HIV
Dr. Erin Miers details information that is helpful in working with patients living with HIV. She explains the stigma associated with this infection and the advancements that have been made for those living with HIV.
What’s Inside
This Spring issue is jam-packed with a variety of remarkable articles to start off the first issue of the new year!
False Peaks
Dr. Andrew Dunkle shared his voice as an early career psychologist in the exploration of expanding one’s career from the beginning in order to attain the broader professional life one hopes for.
What Health Psychologists Should Know about Sickle Cell Anemia
Dr. Shawn Bediako discusses sickle cell anemia and broadens our understanding of this disease. He constructed a list of seven key items to know when learning about or working with patients who are living with sickle cell anemia.
What’s Inside: From the Editor’s Desk
Dr. Kourtney Schroeder introduces herself as the new Editor in Chief for The Health Psychologist.
Leadership as an Early Career Psychologist
Dr. Julie Radico describes how to get involved in leadership through her own experiences.