Timeline of the pre-doctoral psychology internship application process and key milestones.
Articles & Resources

DEI Principles and Practice in Psychology Undergraduate and Graduate Education
This webinar reviews research demonstrating the centrality of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) topics within Health Psychology curricula; provides sample assignments and activities to weave DEI into Health Psychology syllabi; and discusses strategies for navigating difficult topics with students representing a range of backgrounds and experiences.
Resources for Historically Underrepresented Graduate Students
Graduate training in health psychology can present unique challenges for students who are hisorically underrepresented in the field. These resources provide information about graduate training in psychology that is specifically tailored for historically underrepresented students.
Resources for Teaching about Prejudice and Discrimination
Resources for incorporating conversations about prejudice and discrimination when teaching health psychology courses.
Clinical Training Resources
List of resources informing the clinical practice of health psychology.
Research Training Resources
Curated list of resources to help clarify the research process in health psychology.
Dos and Don’ts of Networking Online
Tips and tricks for online networking from the APA Psychology Student Network.
General Student Resources
List of helpful resources for people who are interested in pursuing training in health psychology.
Repository of Health Disparity-Related Literature
Curated list of research that increases visibility of issues related to health equity and increases knowledge and in investment in improving equitable health outcomes.
Resources for Measurement in Adolescent/Young Adult (AYA) Oncology
List of measures specifically developed or validated for use in adolescent/young adult (AYA) oncology populations.
Measurement in Adolescent/Young Adult (AYA) Oncology: From Development to Implementation
This event provides an intermediate-level overview of the adolescent and young adult (AYA)-specific considerations taken into account from measure development to widespread implementation.
Growing Advocacy and Policy Efforts in Health Psychology: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective
This event provides an introduction/orientation for early career professionals, trainees, and students to the process of advocating for expanded roles for health psychologists within healthcare systems.